摘要:在使用基于 VXLAN 的 SDN 解决方案时,对物理网络的基本要求是修改 MTU,让其大于1600 (NSX),下面总结了几大厂商不同型号或版本交换机的配置,以后会不断更新,也请有过配置经验的同行帮忙补充
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一般配置 MTU 时,需要配置端到端沿途所有设备,如果源和目标在同一个网段,则只需要配置沿途所有设备的二层接口MTU。一般按照设备不同,可能需要全局配置 MTU,或者在对应接口上配置MTU。
如果源和目的在不同的网段内,除了配置沿途所有二层接口 MTU 外,还需配置两个网段网关接口(三层接口)的 MTU。
一般配置方式是 interface vlan 100,mtu 1600。
Nexus 系列交换机
三层 MTU
SVI 接口配置:
Switch(config)#interface vlan 1
Switch(config-if)#mtu 9216
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 1/1
Switch(config-if)#no switchport
Switch(config-if)#mtu 9216
二层MTU可以通过Qos或者基于端口进行配置。目前只有 Nexus 7000, 7700, 9300, 和 9500 支持端口配置 MTU。 Nexus 3048, 3064, 3100, 3500, 5000, 5500, 及 6000 配置方式 此配置会对所有接口生效
policy-map type network-qos jumbo
class type network-qos class-default
mtu 9216
system qos
service-policy type network-qos jumbo
Nexus 7000, 7700, 9300, 及 9500 配置方式
Switch(config)#interface ethernet 1/1
Switch(config-if)#mtu 9216
Nexus 2000 配置
注意,Nexus 2000 MTU 配置需要在其父 FEX 交换机上进行配置,如果父交换机支持接口下配置MTU,则在对应接口下配置,如果不支持,则需要使用network-qos。
需要注意,使用 FEX 时,Fabric Port Channel (FPC) ,也就是连接 FEX 的端口聚合组也需要配置 MTU
interface port-channel136
switchport mode fex-fabric
fex associate 136
vpc 136
mtu 9216
注意: 在 6.2 版本以后,Nexus 7000 不支持给 Fabric Port Channel 接口直接配置MTU,必须创建一个 QoS 策略来全局调整 MTU。
policy-map type network-qos jumbo
class type network-qos class-default
mtu 9216
system qos
service-policy type network-qos jumbo
三层 MTU
所有 Nexus 系列交换机都可以通过show interface eth x/y
命令来查看接口 MTU:
Nexus#show interface ethernet 1/19
Ethernet1/19 is up
Dedicated Interface
Hardware: 100/1000/10000 Ethernet, address: 547f.ee5d.413c (bia 547f.ee5d.40fa)
MTU 9216 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit, DLY 10 usec
使用 show interface vlan X
命令查看 SVI 接口MTU:
Leaf3#show interface vlan 1
Vlan1 is down (Non-routable VDC mode), line protocol is down
Hardware is EtherSVI, address is 547f.eed8.ec7c
Internet Address is
MTU 9216 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit, DLY 10 usec
二层 MTU
Nexus 3100, 3500, 5000, 5500, 及 6000
Nexus#show queuing interface ethernet 1/1
Ethernet1/1 queuing information:
TX Queuing
qos-group sched-type oper-bandwidth
0 WRR 100
RX Queuing
qos-group 0
q-size: 469760, HW MTU: 9216 (9216 configured)
Nexus 3000, 7000, 7700, 及 9000
Nexus#show interface ethernet 1/12
Ethernet1/12 is up
admin state is up, Dedicated Interface
Hardware: 1000/10000 Ethernet, address: 7c0e.ceca.f183 (bia 7c0e.ceca.f183)
MTU 9216 bytes, BW 10000000 Kbit, DLY 10 usec
Nexus 5000, 6000, 及 7000 的 FEX 接口
Nexus#show queuing interface ethernet 136/1/1
if_slot 68, ifidx 0x1f870000
Ethernet136/1/1 queuing information:
Input buffer allocation:
Qos-group: 0
frh: 3
drop-type: drop
cos: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
xon xoff buffer-size
19200 78080 90880
queue qos-group cos priority bandwidth mtu
3 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 WRR 100 9280
**Nexus 9000 的FEX 接口 **
9396-B#show interface ethernet 104/1/1
Ethernet104/1/1 is up
admin state is up,
Hardware: 100/1000 Ethernet, address: 5475.d0e0.e5c2 (bia 5475.d0e0.e5c2)
MTU 9216 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit, DLY 10 usec
Catalyst 4500系列交换机
已知可用交换机版本:C4506 IOS 12.2
Cisco C4500系列交换机请检查板卡兼容性,一些老设备可能无法支持MTU>1570 https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/switches/catalyst-4000-series-switches/29805-175.html#topic3
system mtu 1600
检查命令:show system mtu
show interface G0/0
GigabitEthernet1/3 is up, line protocol is up (connected)
Hardware is Gigabit Ethernet Port, address is 588d.097e.9982 (bia 588d.097e.9982)
MTU 1600 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit, DLY 10 usec,
reliability 255/255, txload 6/255, rxload 21/255
Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set
interface vlan 200
mtu 9000
2960 IOS 12.2 ,3560 12.2,3750 15.0
system mtu 1600
(如果不配置,则继承system mtu配置):
system mtu jumbo 1600
三层接口 MTU
全局 :system mtu routing 1600
interface vlan 100
mtu 1600
!-- 从交换机SW1 ping SW2,1570 字节的包,成功
SW1#ping size 1550 df-bit
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 1550-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Packet sent with the DF bit set
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/202/1006 ms
!-- 从交换机SW1 ping SW2 ,1600 字节的包,失败
SW1#ping size 1600 df-bit
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 1600-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Packet sent with the DF bit set
Success rate is 0 percent (0/5)
!-- 在SW2的 f0/13 口可以看到失败的包(5 giants)
SW2#sh int f0/13 | in (MTU|giants|packets )
MTU 1550 bytes, BW 100000 Kbit, DLY 100 usec,
82 packets input, 23609 bytes, 0 no buffer
0 runts, 5 giants, 0 throttles
0 input packets with dribble condition detected
749 packets output, 64729 bytes, 0 underruns
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] interface gigabitethernet 0/0/1
[HUAWEI-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] jumboframe enable 5000
[HUAWEI] interface Vlanif 100
[HUAWEI-Vlanif100] mtu 1600
[HUAWEI] interface gigabitethernet 0/0/1
[HUAWEI-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] undo portswitch
[HUAWEI-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] mtu 1600
某些设备需要重启接口生效:[HUAWEI-GigabitEthernet0/0/1] restart
interface G1/1
jumboframe enable 6000
! 聚合组配置 Jumbo Frame
interface Bridge-Aggregation1
jumboframe enable 6000
[H3C] interface Vlanif 100
[H3C-Vlanif100] mtu 1600
在某些软件版本下,需要使用 ip mtu 1600 命令来调整
interface interface AggregatePort 10
no switchport
mtu 9216
show interface agg 10
AggregatePort 10 is UP , line protocol is UP
Hardware is AggregateLink AggregatePort, address is 1414.4b82.25e1 (bia 1414.4b82.25e1)
Description: Link-To-Gold3_HR_VmWare
Interface address is:
ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout: 3600 seconds
Interface IPv6 address is:
No IPv6 address
MTU 9216 bytes, BW 20000000 Kbit