Half Coffee

PPP CHAP 认证过程详解




ppp chap hostname 可以设置也可以不设置(用系统的hostname), username 必需设置为对方的 ppp chap hostname(或对方hostname ) ,双方的密码(共享密钥)必需相同。通过下面的认证过程解析就能分析出为什么可以这样设置。

Cisco 的举例

Router 1:
 hostname r1 
 username r2 password 0 cisco 
! -- Hostname of other router and shared secret
 interface BRI0/0 
  ip address 
  no ip directed-broadcast 
  encapsulation ppp 
  dialer map ip name r2 broadcast 5772222 
  dialer-group 1 
  isdn switch-type basic-5ess 
  ppp authentication chap callin 
! -- Authentication on incoming calls only
  ppp chap hostname alias-r1 
! -- Alternate CHAP hostname
 access-list 101 permit ip any any 
 dialer-list 1 protocol ip list 101 
Router 2:
 hostname r2
 username alias-r1 password 0 cisco 
! -- Alternate CHAP hostname and shared secret.
 ! -- The username must match the one in the ppp chap hostname 
 ! -- command on the remote router.
 interface BRI0/0 
  ip address 
  no ip directed-broadcast
  encapsulation ppp 
  dialer map ip name 
  alias-r1 broadcast 5771111
! -- Dialer map name matches alternate hostname "alias-r1".
  dialer-group 1 
  isdn switch-type basic-5ess 
  ppp authentication chap
 access-list 101 permit ip any any 
 dialer-list 1 protocol ip list 101 

  1. 此例中,R1 配置 ppp authentication chap callin

  2. R2 收到call后,会challenges R1 ,默认会发送一个challenge包,里面有

    • 01 = challenge packet type identifier.
    • ID = 标识Challenge包的序列号
    • random =一个随机数
  • r2 =challenger 的认证用户名(也就是hostname),是用来标示自己的
  1. Router 1收到 Router 2’s challenge ,在自己用户名中找 username “r2”

  2. Router 1 找到 “r2” 对应的密码 cisco , Router 1 用此密码+ 收到的 challenge 包 中的** ID 和 **随机数,通过MD5算出一个

  3. Router 1 发送上面生成的值, 并用自己的hostname 标识,即”alias-r1,”

  4. Router 2 收到标识为 “alias-r1” 的包,在本地 username中查找 “alias-r1“ 对应的密码

  5. Router 2 发现 “ alias-r1” 对应密码也是 “cisco.” 将此密码,还有之前发给R1 的那个challenge包中的 ID, 随机数,进行MD5,得到一个

  6. Router 2 将此值和 Router 1 发来的值做对比,相同则通过认证。因为两边密码都一样,而challenge包中的 ID 和随机数也一样,所以两边生成的值也一样。


1, Challenge 包里的 name 优先采用ppp chap hostname ,其次 Router的Hostname

2, Response 包里 name 优先采用ppp chap hostname ,其次 Router的Hostname;

密码优先使用challenge包中name 对应的本地 username 的密码(如果该用户没设密码,那就用空密码!),其次才会考虑用 ppp chap password xx 。





​ username R1 password cisco

​ ppp authentication chap


​ ppp chap hostname R1

​ ppp chap password cisco




R2收到后,发现标识是自己设置的chap hostname,直接丢弃

下面是debug ppp authentication 结果:

      *Mar  1 01:11:26.783: Se0/0 AUTH: Timeout 1
      *Mar  1 01:11:26.783: Se0/0 CHAP: O CHALLENGE id 33 len 23 from "R1"
      *Mar  1 01:11:25.555: Se0/0 AUTH: Timeout 1
      *Mar  1 01:11:25.563: Se0/0 CHAP: I CHALLENGE id 33 len 23 from "R1"
      *Mar  1 01:11:25.563: Se0/0 CHAP: Ignoring Challenge with local name

上述debug信息中的 O CHALLENGE 代表 output


R1 :

​ username R1 password cisco

​ ppp authentication chap


​ ppp chap password cisco


R2 发送call,R1回复challenge ,标识R1;

R2 使用系统hostname,密码用设的chap 默认密码,发送response 给R1

R1 收到R2的Response,在本地数据库找到R2对应的密码为cisco ,没找到,验证失败


      *Mar  1 01:14:36.991: Se0/0 PPP: Authorization required

      *Mar  1 01:14:36.995: Se0/0 CHAP: O CHALLENGE id 77 len 23 from "R1"

      *Mar  1 01:14:36.999: Se0/0 CHAP: I RESPONSE id 77 len 23 from "R2"

      *Mar  1 01:14:36.999: Se0/0 PPP: Sent CHAP LOGIN Request

      *Mar  1 01:14:36.999: Se0/0 PPP: Received LOGIN Response FAIL

      *Mar  1 01:14:36.999: Se0/0 CHAP: O FAILURE id 77 len 25 msg is "Authentication failed"


      *Mar  1 01:14:35.771: Se0/0 PPP: Authorization required

      *Mar  1 01:14:35.775: Se0/0 PPP: No authorization without authentication

      *Mar  1 01:14:35.775: Se0/0 CHAP: I CHALLENGE id 77 len 23 from "R1"

      *Mar  1 01:14:35.775: Se0/0 CHAP: Using hostname from unknown source

      *Mar  1 01:14:35.775: Se0/0 CHAP: Using password from AAA

      *Mar  1 01:14:35.775: Se0/0 CHAP: O RESPONSE id 77 len 23 from "R2"

      *Mar  1 01:14:35.779: Se0/0 CHAP: I FAILURE id 77 len 25 msg is "Authentication failed"


R1: username R2 password cisco

​ ppp authentication chap

R2: ppp chap password cisco


R2 发送call,R1回复challenge ,标识R1;

R2 使用系统hostname,密码用设的chap 默认密码,发送response 给R1

R1 收到R2的Response,在本地数据库找到R2对应的密码为cisco ,验证通过


   *Mar  1 01:03:08.799: Se0/0 AUTH: Timeout 1

   *Mar  1 01:03:08.799: Se0/0 CHAP: O CHALLENGE id 20 len 23 from "R1"

   *Mar  1 01:03:08.803: Se0/0 CHAP: I RESPONSE id 20 len 23 from "R2"

   *Mar  1 01:03:08.811: Se0/0 PPP: Sent CHAP LOGIN Request

   *Mar  1 01:03:08.811: Se0/0 PPP: Received LOGIN Response PASS

   *Mar  1 01:03:08.811: Se0/0 PPP: Sent LCP AUTHOR Request

   *Mar  1 01:03:08.811: Se0/0 PPP: Sent IPCP AUTHOR Request

   *Mar  1 01:03:08.819: Se0/0 LCP: Received AAA AUTHOR Response PASS

   *Mar  1 01:03:08.819: Se0/0 IPCP: Received AAA AUTHOR Response PASS

   *Mar  1 01:03:08.819: Se0/0 CHAP: O SUCCESS id 20 len 4

   *Mar  1 01:03:08.823: Se0/0 PPP: Sent CDPCP AUTHOR Request


   *Mar  1 01:03:08.823: Se0/0 CDPCP: Received AAA AUTHOR Response PASS

   *Mar  1 01:03:08.863: Se0/0 PPP: Sent IPCP AUTHOR Request

   Mar  1 01:03:07.571: Se0/0 AUTH: Timeout 1
   Mar  1 01:03:07.575: Se0/0 CHAP: ** I CHALLENGE id 20 len 23 from "R1" **
   Mar  1 01:03:07.575: Se0/0 CHAP: Using hostname from unknown source
   Mar  1 01:03:07.579: Se0/0 CHAP: Using password from AAA
   Mar  1 01:03:07.579: Se0/0 CHAP: O RESPONSE id 20 len 23 from "R2"
   Mar  1 01:03:07.599: Se0/0 CHAP: I SUCCESS id 20 len 4


R1 :

​ username R2 password cisco

​ ppp authentication chap


​ username R1 password cisco

​ ppp chap password admin




​ username R2

​ ppp authentication chap

R2 :

​ username R1

​ ppp chap password admin



R1: username R2 password cisco

​ ppp authentication chap

R2 :

​ username R1 password admin

​ ppp chap password cisco



PPP Authentication Using the ppp chap hostname and ppp authentication chap callin Commands

Understanding and Configuring PPP CHAP Authentication

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